World Bird Index
Japanese Birds
Species list of birds observed in Japan.
Japanese Bird List
Download"Japanese Bird List (8th edition)" (csv)※1
This species list relies on The Check-list of Japanese Birds(8th edition) edited by The Ornithological Society of Japan.
However, the classification (order, family) bases on the latest IOC list (Version 14.2).
Additionally, there are differences in scientific names or Japanese names between "The Check-list of Japanese Birds(8th edition)" and the latest IOC list. Both are listed in the "List of Japanese Birds" (csv) above, so please make use of it.
Note that the following is not included in this list, as it does not exist in the newest IOC list(Version 12.2):
ミヤコショウビン | Todiramphus miyakoensis |
※1 Written in Japanese.
Species with different Japanese names between IOC14.2 and The 8th edition of Check-list of Japanese Birds (6 cases)
種番号 | L日本鳥類目録8版 和名 | IOC14.2 Japanese Name | Scientific Name |
11 | ヒシクイ | ニシヒシクイ | Anser fabalis |
94 | ズアカアオバト | タイワンズアカアオバト | Treron formosae |
104 | コウライクイナ | コウライヒクイナ(コウライクイナ) | Zapornia paykullii |
447 | シジュウカラ | クロシジュウカラ | Parus cinereus |
459 | タイワンショウドウツバメ | アフリカショウドウツバメ | Riparia paludicola |
638 | ゴマフスズメ | Passerella iliaca |
Species with different scientific names between IOC14.2 and The 8th edition of Check-list of Japanese Birds (22 cases)
No. | Japanese Name of The Check-list | IOC14.2 Scientific Name | Scientific Name of The Check-list |
10 | サカツラガン | Anser cygnoides | Anser cygnoid |
113 | アネハヅル | Grus virgo | Anthropoides virgo |
139 | オオチドリ | Anarhynchus veredus | Charadrius veredus |
138 | メダイチドリ | Anarhynchus mongolus | Charadrius mongolus |
137 | オオメダイチドリ | Anarhynchus leschenaultii | Charadrius leschenaultii |
136 | シロチドリ | Anarhynchus alexandrinus | Charadrius alexandrinus |
325 | タカサゴクロサギ | Botaurus flavicollis | Ixobrychus flavicollis |
324 | リュウキュウヨシゴイ | Botaurus cinnamomeus | Ixobrychus cinnamomeus |
323 | オオヨシゴイ | Botaurus eurhythmus | Ixobrychus eurhythmus |
322 | ヨシゴイ | Botaurus sinensis | Ixobrychus sinensis |
332 | アマサギ | Ardea coromanda | Bubulcus ibis |
351 | アカハラダカ | Tachyspiza soloensis | Accipiter soloensis |
352 | ツミ | Tachyspiza gularis | Accipiter gularis |
354 | オオタカ | Astur gentilis | Accipiter gentilis |
432 | ニシコクマルガラス | Coloeus monedula | Corvus monedula |
433 | コクマルガラス | Coloeus dauuricus | Corvus dauuricus |
491 | エゾセンニュウ | Helopsaltes amnicola | Locustella amnicola |
492 | オオセッカ | Helopsaltes pryeri | Locustella pryeri |
493 | シベリアセンニュウ | Helopsaltes certhiola | Locustella certhiola |
494 | シマセンニュウ | Helopsaltes ochotensis | Locustella ochotensis |
495 | ウチヤマセンニュウ | Helopsaltes pleskei | Locustella pleskei |
516 | オガサワラガビチョウ | Zoothera terrestris | Cichlopasser terrestris |