
World Bird Index

 Japanese Birds

Species list of birds observed in Japan.

Japanese Bird List

Download"Japanese Bird List (8th edition)" (csv)※1

This species list relies on The Check-list of Japanese Birds(8th edition) edited by The Ornithological Society of Japan.

However, the classification (order, family) bases on the latest IOC list (Version 14.2).

Additionally, there are differences in scientific names or Japanese names between "The Check-list of Japanese Birds(8th edition)" and the latest IOC list. Both are listed in the "List of Japanese Birds" (csv) above, so please make use of it.

Note that the following is not included in this list, as it does not exist in the newest IOC list(Version 12.2):

ミヤコショウビンTodiramphus miyakoensis

※1  Written in Japanese.

Species with different Japanese names between IOC14.2 and The 8th edition of Check-list of Japanese Birds (6 cases)

種番号L日本鳥類目録8版 和名IOC14.2 Japanese NameScientific Name
11ヒシクイニシヒシクイAnser fabalis
94ズアカアオバトタイワンズアカアオバトTreron formosae
104コウライクイナコウライヒクイナ(コウライクイナ)Zapornia paykullii
447シジュウカラクロシジュウカラParus cinereus
459タイワンショウドウツバメアフリカショウドウツバメRiparia paludicola
638ゴマフスズメPasserella iliaca

Species with different scientific names between IOC14.2 and The 8th edition of Check-list of Japanese Birds (22 cases)

No.Japanese Name of The Check-listIOC14.2 Scientific NameScientific Name of The Check-list
10サカツラガンAnser cygnoidesAnser cygnoid
113アネハヅルGrus virgoAnthropoides virgo
139オオチドリAnarhynchus veredusCharadrius veredus
138メダイチドリAnarhynchus mongolusCharadrius mongolus
137オオメダイチドリAnarhynchus leschenaultiiCharadrius leschenaultii
136シロチドリAnarhynchus alexandrinusCharadrius alexandrinus
325タカサゴクロサギBotaurus flavicollisIxobrychus flavicollis
324リュウキュウヨシゴイBotaurus cinnamomeusIxobrychus cinnamomeus
323オオヨシゴイBotaurus eurhythmusIxobrychus eurhythmus
322ヨシゴイBotaurus sinensisIxobrychus sinensis
332アマサギArdea coromandaBubulcus ibis
351アカハラダカTachyspiza soloensisAccipiter soloensis
352ツミTachyspiza gularisAccipiter gularis
354オオタカAstur gentilisAccipiter gentilis
432ニシコクマルガラスColoeus monedulaCorvus monedula
433コクマルガラスColoeus dauuricusCorvus dauuricus
491エゾセンニュウHelopsaltes amnicolaLocustella amnicola
492オオセッカHelopsaltes pryeriLocustella pryeri
493シベリアセンニュウHelopsaltes certhiolaLocustella certhiola
494シマセンニュウHelopsaltes ochotensisLocustella ochotensis
495ウチヤマセンニュウHelopsaltes pleskeiLocustella pleskei
516オガサワラガビチョウZoothera terrestrisCichlopasser terrestris